Tether Products, Male Expression and Self-gratification Thru Innovation




Most of the joy of owning a TetherSpout or TetherPlug comes from all the things that can be attached to them and the seemingly limitless ways they can be used. They only require a few very simple accessories to fire your imagination and to make playing with your dick (or let others play with it) so much more enjoyable and diverse.

You will find that TetherSpouts and TetherPlugs are actually the backbone of an extremely versatile and flexible system with untold possibilities that, by design and with a little of your own inventiveness, you can easily custom-tailor to your own personal needs and slowly add-to over time, whether your purpose is merely to perk up your penis and give it a little class, or to endlessly torment it in new ways every day and make it subservient and responsive to your every depraved need. To that end, Tether Products offers a variety of basic starter accessories, some of which are unique and are designed specifically for use with TP’s TetherSpouts and TetherPlugs and hence cannot be found elsewhere, and others which are offered as a convenience to TP’s customers to save the time (and probably the extra cost) of buying them elsewhere.

The list, in no particular order, is presently as follows (click on each item for a photo and full description):

Sizing Sounds & Dilators
5.5-inch Kelly Forceps
Hook & Clip
Clasp & Clip
Circular Barbell
Miniature 1/8-inch Bow Shackle
Fancy Lip Shield
Screw-on Ring Pieces for Threaded Spouts
Nuts & Caps for Threaded Spouts
Neodymium Magnets
Vinyl Caps With 316L SS End-beads
Fiberglass Tensioning Rods
1.5-inch Solid Stainless Steel Ball
Replacement 3.5mm Hex Key
Drill & Tap Set for Making Threaded Holes
Aluminum Threaded Inserts for Thin-walled Objects

Buy from this list, or simply draw from the descriptions and suggestions contained in it to come up with novel ideas of your own, and you will be well on your way to building your own definitive collection of fashion accessories and custom-crafted toys and appliances, just for pleasuring and pampering your penis in your own personal way, and never running out of new ideas for ways to get more enjoyment and satisfaction from it. Tether Products is here only to get you started and give you the basic tools. The rest is up to you.